My Story

Growing up in the UK raised by Italian parents who moved here in the 50’s, I had a fairly strict upbringing. I spent a lot of time fighting for the same privileges that my brother had. ‘Why can’t I go out?’, ‘Why can’t I get a faster car?’, ‘Why are you worried I am not married at 25?’ Most replies, with only slight variations, were ‘Because you are a girl.’
Although I felt things unequal in some areas of my life, in others, my parents saw no difference between my brother and me. They pushed us both at school because they believed in us. They taught us that you don’t get anything in life unless you work hard for it – no exceptions because you are a girl – and that showing respect for people from all walks of life was crucial for being a good person.
So I grew up strong, with good morals, a huge work ethic and a hunger to keep achieving and this is why we are here.
Now as a mother to 2 girls, I push my daughters to try everything, work hard, not to fear anything and lead by example. I have been grappling with the idea of starting a blog for years now and have never quite had the confidence, but the timing feels right – I have to put my ‘Imposter Syndrome’ to one side and go for it.
I hope you enjoy hearing from/about all of these beautiful women and what they are doing/have done to inspire the next generation of strong women.
I don’t have all the answers and what I share here are the things that are important to me. I want to learn from you all and continue my own journey to becoming more confident so I can pass that strength to my daughters.
Over time I hope you will also share so we can continue to learn together.